
Monday, July 28, 2008


First of all, thanks to the Doyle Street Cohousing Community for putting up with me for the
two years that it took me to write this book (and for putting up with me at all). Thanks
very much to Kevin and Sonda Donovan for subletting their great place in gorgeous Crested
Butte, Colorado for the summer while I worked on the book. Also thanks to the friendly
residents of Crested Butte and the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory who made me feel
so welcome. The World Gym in Emeryville and its enthusiastic staff helped keep me sane
during the final months of the book.
This is my first experience using an agent, and I’m not looking back. Thanks to Claudette
Moore at Moore Literary Agency for her tremendous patience and perseverance in getting me
exactly what I wanted.
My first two books were published with Jeff Pepper as editor at Osborne/McGraw-Hill. Jeff
appeared at the right place and the right time at Prentice-Hall and has cleared the path and
made all the right things happen to make this the most pleasant publishing experience I’ve
ever had. Thanks, Jeff – it means a lot to me.
I’m especially indebted to Gen Kiyooka and his company Digigami, who have graciously
provided my Web server, and to Scott Callaway who has maintained it. This has been an
invaluable aid while I was learning about the Web.
Thanks to Cay Horstmann (co-author of Core Java, Prentice Hall 1997), D’Arcy Smith
(Symantec), and Paul Tyma (co-author of Java Primer Plus, The Waite Group 1996), for
helping me clarify concepts in the language.
Thanks to people who have spoken in my Java track at the Software Development
Conference, and students in my seminars, who ask the questions I need to hear in order to
make the material more clear.
Introduction 39
Special thanks to Larry and Tina O’Brien, who turned this book and my seminar into a
teaching CD ROM. (You can find out more at
Lots of people sent in corrections and I am indebted to them all, but particular thanks go to:
Kevin Raulerson (found tons of great bugs), Bob Resendes (simply incredible), John Pinto, Joe
Dante, Joe Sharp (all three were fabulous), David Combs (many grammar and clarification
corrections), Dr. Robert Stephenson, Franklin Chen, Zev Griner, David Karr, Leander A.
Stroschein, Steve Clark, Charles A. Lee, Austin Maher, Dennis P. Roth, Roque Oliveira,
Douglas Dunn, Dejan Ristic, Neil Galarneau, David B. Malkovsky, Steve Wilkinson, and a
host of others.
Prof. Ir. Marc Meurrens put in a great deal of effort to publicize and make the book available
in Europe.
There have been a spate of smart technical people in my life who have become friends and
have also been both influential and unusual in that they’re vegetarians, do yoga and practice
other forms of spiritual enhancement, which I find quite inspirational and instructional.
They are Kraig Brockschmidt, Gen Kiyooka and Andrea Provaglio, who helps in the
understanding of Java and programming in general in Italy.
It’s not that much of a surprise to me that understanding Delphi helped me understand
Java, since there are many concepts and language design decisions in common. My Delphi
friends provided assistance by helping me gain insight into that marvelous programming
environment. They are Marco Cantu (another Italian – perhaps being steeped in Latin gives
one aptitude for programming languages?), Neil Rubenking (who used to do the
yoga/vegetarian/Zen thing but discovered computers) and of course Zack Urlocker, a longtime
pal whom I’ve traveled the world with.
My friend Richard Hale Shaw’s insights and support have been very helpful (and Kim’s, too).
Richard and I spent many months giving seminars together and trying to work out the
perfect learning experience for the attendees. Thanks also to KoAnn Vikoren, Eric Faurot,
Deborah Sommers, Julie Shaw, Nicole Freeman, Cindy Blair, Barbara Hanscome, Regina
Ridley, Alex Dunne, and the rest of the cast and crew at MFI.
The book design, cover design, and cover photo were created by my friend Daniel Will-
Harris, noted author and designer (, who used to play with rubon
letters in junior high school while he awaited the invention of computers and desktop
publishing, and complained of me mumbling over my algebra problems. However, I
produced the camera-ready pages myself, so the typesetting errors are mine. Microsoft®
Word 97 for Windows was used to write the book and to create camera-ready pages. The
body typeface is Bitstream Carmina and the headlines are in Bitstream Calligraph 421
( The symbols at the start of each chapter are Leonardo Extras from P22
( The cover typeface is ITC Rennie Mackintosh.
Thanks to the vendors who supplied me with compilers: Borland, Microsoft, Symantec,
Sybase/Powersoft/Watcom, and of course, Sun.
A special thanks to all my teachers and all my students (who are my teachers as well). The
most fun writing teacher was Gabrielle Rico (author of Writing the Natural Way, Putnam
1983). I’ll always treasure the terrific week at Esalen.
The supporting cast of friends includes, but is not limited to: Andrew Binstock, Steve
Sinofsky, JD Hildebrandt, Tom Keffer, Brian McElhinney, Brinkley Barr, Bill Gates at Midnight
Engineering Magazine, Larry Constantine and Lucy Lockwood, Greg Perry, Dan Putterman,
Christi Westphal, Gene Wang, Dave Mayer, David Intersimone, Andrea Rosenfield, Claire
Sawyers, more Italians (Laura Fallai, Corrado, Ilsa, and Cristina Giustozzi), Chris and Laura
40 Thinking in Java
Strand, the Almquists, Brad Jerbic, Marilyn Cvitanic, the Mabrys, the Haflingers, the
Pollocks, Peter Vinci, the Robbins Families, the Moelter Families (and the McMillans), Michael
Wilk, Dave Stoner, Laurie Adams, the Cranstons, Larry Fogg, Mike and Karen Sequeira, Gary
Entsminger and Allison Brody, Kevin Donovan and Sonda Eastlack, Chester and Shannon
Andersen, Joe Lordi, Dave and Brenda Bartlett, David Lee, the Rentschlers, the Sudeks, Dick,
Patty, and Lee Eckel, Lynn and Todd, and their families. And of course, Mom and Dad.


Tell Me Doubts In Java